Month: May 2007

  • A Birthday Gift for Dad...

    Today is my dad's birthday. He wanted me to update this thing for his birthday. Yes, I got him another gift. Yes, I was guilted into updating this. No, you shouldn't expect another update until this time next year.

    So, this one's for you, Dad.

    I graduated from college. I have a double BA in History and International Relations. I'm working for the summer at Tyndale House Publishers, and I guess they'll decide if they like me enough to keep me. I like them enough to stay, so I'm hoping the feeling is mutual. I'll soon be rooming with Amy B from Blauen in our very own townhouse, renting from her parents. We are going to have a sweet apartment, if I do say so myself.

    It's strange to be out of school. I'm already looking forward to graduate school in another two years. What can I say -- I'm a student at heart.

    And if you want more updates on our family, you should really go to either my dad's site or my sister's site.

    See you next year!