April 11, 2006

  • found out that one of the papers i had due is now cancelled. the prof decided to make it due for just the grad students in the class...heeheehee. it'll stink to be a grad student one day, if this class is any indication. i'm pretty thrilled, though. the book that i have to read within the week is a little interesting but mostly too dense to understand. lifting was so draining today that all i could do at one point was sit on the floor and try to get up enough energy to do the next exercise. this new cycle didn't seem so hard yesterday...i've decided that i want to run the chicago half-marathon in the fall, but i know it would be so much easier if i had someone with whom i could do the ten week training. i'm much better with a partner to motivate me. i have a huge exam tomorrow and i'm battling apathy with schoolwork. i really just want to go home, but i still have two and a half weeks of classes. i am going to need to work really hard over easter weekend, unfortunately. and the more that time goes by, the more i realize that -- despite how truly excited i am about my family moving back to the states -- my trip home is going to be hard. it's going to be sad. at least i'm beginning to deal with that now.

Comments (3)

  • Oh Sarah, I don't want your family to leave Germany!!!  It will be so wierd to not have you here next Christmas!!!  Can't wait to see you!  Hey, Steve posted some pics of the trip on the website...so you can check them at your leisure!  I am still planning to have a big get-together the night of grad for all you alum around!!!  Should be fun! Hang in there, sweetie...I know these last weeks are full...let Him carry you through in victory and strength!  Love ya, Renee

  • I'm hearing them too!!! ugh...I'm so sick of school right now! I'm counting down like no other. It's coming fast, but at the same time, not fast enough! Congrats on getting that paper cancelled...wish I could get a few of those. =] Be praying for my family...my grandmother took a turn for the worse last weekend - she's had health problems, but they've always been more external...last weekend her lungs began to shut down and only half of her heart is working...I'm going this weekend to see her for my Easter three-day weekend. I'm not sure what to expect, or if this will be the last time I'll see her. I'm kinda having a hard time with it all, especially since my whole family is so far away...it just seems like really bad timing...but I'm thankful that I can trust God with my dearest...He knows what's best. Can't wait to see you in just a few more weeks! (we can do it!!!) We seriously need to set a date while we're both there to just catch up...It's always good seeing you, but I feel like sometimes we just don't get a chance to sit down and get up to speed on each others' lives...we should do that this time! =] I love you!

  • hey sarah! sorry about the schedule... I feel your pain! There is absolutely NO time here to stop. Literally. you get behind if you think, "oh, I'll just do it in an hour or so. Very tough! Cause i feel like I'm in exam week and we still have six more weeks! Eek! We shall persevere. As far as your schedule...you said you were going to be super busy this weekend...are you sure it's ok to come pick me up for Easter? Also, let me know how much gas is because I want to pay you for the expense since you are going out of your way. *They told us to bring money for all of this, so no worries about that. Otherwise, keep on keeping on and think of the days when the stress will be over. We'll have to catch up more when I see you. Can hardly wait! Only four days!

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